Publications 2005 - 2009


1 - Girard, V., Driffin, K., Fisk, D.2, Musso, S., Naudin, J., Rowe, M., Davidson, L., Sells, D. and Lovell, A.M.

La relation thérapeutique sans le savoir. Approche Anthropologique de la rencontre entre des travailleurs pairs et des personnes sans abris ayant une cooccurence psychiatrique. (A phenomenological approach to forging therapeutic relationships on the street: Encounters between peer outreach workers and persons with psychiatric disorders who are homeless.) L'Évolution Psychiatrique 71 (1), 2006, 75-85.


2 - Bouillon F, Girard V, Musso S. Du droit au logement à l’expérience de l’habiter. Ce que la folie nous enseigne.

(The right to housing and the experience of having a home: What madness can teach us.) Amades. March 2007


3 - Girard V. Stigmatisation: Comment rendre la lutte effective?

(Effective strategies to combat stigma.) Information Psychiatrique 83 (10), 2007.


4 - Girard V. Autosupport en santé mentale en france, les groupes d’entre aide mutuelle: réalités historiques, politiques et locales.

(Mental health self-help groups in France: Historical, political, and local realities. Amades (Applied medical anthropology). September 2008, 2-5.


5 - Girard V, Händlhuber H, Vialars V, Perrot S, Castano G, Payan N, Naudin J. Inégalités de santé: un programme experimental reliant habitat, citoyennté et maladie mentale sévère. (Inequalities in health: An exploratory program, linking home, citizenship and severe mental disorders.) Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 56 (6S), 2008, 371.  


6 - Girard V. Händlhuber H. Professionnel d’expérience: le chaînon manquant? Santé mentale 133, 2008, 74-75.


7 - Rowe, M., Benedict, P., Sells, D. J., Dinzeo, T., Garvin, C., Girard, V., & Bellamy, C. (2009). Citizenship, Community, and Recovery: A Group- and Peer-Based Intervention for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders and Criminal Justice Histories. Journal for groups in addiction and recovery., p. 224‑244.